Your Epic Comeback
Starts Here
The Epic Comeback Group exists to help others make an epic comeback and reinvent their lives. With a special emphasis on survivors and their loved ones, this organization aims to provide resiliency and post-trauma resources, services, and education to those who have faced hard times.
We Teach Others How To:
Practice radical acceptance in real-world situations
Transform trauma into profound presence
Find joy in the midst of uncertainty
Build resilience through authentic connection
Our Vision
✔ Sustainable fund for alternative care paths
✔ Five Epic Comeback intensives annually
✔ Research on optimal content delivery
✔ CEU training for healthcare professionals
✔ On-demand video library of recovery resources
Epic Comeback participants show
a 19.2% increase in resiliency scores
Participant Experience
"Through this healing journey, I discovered the courage to open my heart. To anyone who feels uncertain about taking those first steps toward healing and freedom - trust in the process. As a parent who lost a child to suicide, embracing this work transformed my life in ways I never imagined possible."
— PN, Epic Comeback Pilot Group Member
Where Broken Becomes Beautiful
Reclaim Your Life
Each story proves our core truth: Trauma survivors become exceptional leaders.
Our community includes:
A mother guiding others through suicide loss
A young cancer survivor whose Amazon film is transforming healthcare
Clinical professionals rewriting trauma care
Business leaders who rose from a broken home and teenage parenthood
Couples who built everything from nothing and are now at the pinnacle of their success
Young advisors bringing fresh vision for healing their own generation.
Discover the Magic of Post-Traumatic Growth
Clinically-validated techniques that have shown significant improvement in mental health and personal growth
Journaling prompts with space to both learn and check-in
Evidence-based exercises tailored to enhance the resilience qualities
Compassionate education written by a therapist and cancer survivor
Early research on the workbook shows improved scores on all resiliency and post-traumatic growth scales: the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), Resilience and Reinvention Measure (RRM), and Brief Resilience Scale (BRS).
What started as my survival story has become a blueprint for transformation.
Through Epic Comeback, we've helped countless others discover that your darkest moments can lead to your most profound breakthroughs.
Want to join us?
Participant Experience
"Each element of this program - from the lessons to the workbook exercises - became part of my healing journey. As someone who faced death in a near-fatal collision, I found profound value in every moment."
— SW, Epic Comeback Pilot Group Member