Join Our Circle of Gold

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Participant Experience

"When my daughter was hospitalized with a severe mental illness, my life as I had known it ended. It continues to be a wobbly journey for us, but with the Epic class, I have learned the much-needed skills of self-compassion and radical acceptance, which I needed.”

— JM, Epic Comeback Pilot Group Member

Ever heard of kintsugi?

It's this Japanese art where they repair broken pottery with gold,
making it more valuable than before it was broken.

That’s an epic comeback.

A note from Cindy:

When you're core-shaken, you can't go back to who you were. Maybe that's not the point. Like kintsugi, perhaps the goal isn't to hide our breaks but to make them beautiful. To let the gold of community, faith, and support fill our cracks until we become something more precious and resilient than before.

That's Epic Comeback. Your contribution recreates the circle of gold that saved our family – turning trauma into transformation.

Because sometimes grace looks like gold in our broken places. And sometimes it looks like you... deciding to be someone else's beautiful repair.

Be Someone’s Gold

Your gift helps repair broken lives.

The Science of Transformation: Research shows something remarkable!

Of People Who Have Experienced Trauma:

  • 86% develop deeper appreciation of life

  • 77% build stronger relationships

  • 75% discover newfound personal strength

  • 58% demonstrate enhanced leadership capabilities

Organizations with Trauma-Informed Approaches See:

  • 21% higher profitability

  • 27% fewer workplace errors

  • 24% better retention rates

  • 31% higher innovation rates

  • $4 return for every $1 invested (WHO)

Want To Volunteer?

Join Our Circle of Gold. Pay it forward. Help others "break beautiful.”